
Milk Maid Pro

The Milk Maid Pro is the Farmer's automatic cow milking machine.  It is powered by a vacuum pump that can be attached to the cow's teats to extract the milk from his udder. It is supposed to imitate the suckling action of a nursing calf. It has three controls for how hard the milk is extracted.

White: indicates that the machine is off, and you can attach the machine to his udder.

Yellow: indicates the machine gives a gentle tug, in which Otis finds most comfortable. 

Red: indicates that the machine sucks on the udders extra hard, and the he will run out of milk quickly. When messed with the controls, the machine sucks and pulls on the teats really hard and can injure his udder.

To work the machine, attach the milking fixture to the cow's udder and four teats, tuck each teat into the milking sockets, pull the lever on the pump to tighten around his teats, and turn the dial to the yellow section to suck and extract his milk. Turn off the machine if there is no more milk in the cow. Remove the teat sockets from his nipples.


  • Otis is the only dairy cow known to use the milk machine.
  • Otis was only seen using the milk machine once.
  • After being over milked by the Milk Maid Pro, Otis returned to hand milking from only the farmer. The only method of milking he can trust.

